Thank you for participating in this interview. As I explained earlier, we are really interested in how people/facilitators feel facilitating remote/hybrid (Miro) workshops and what are their biggest challenges and problems? Talking with you helps us to understand it better. So, we really appreciate you taking the time to talk with us.
In this interview I want to focus on your experience on facilitating remote/hybrid (Miro) workshops so, of course, there are no right or wrong answers. It also means you are more than welcome to tell us if there is something that needs to be improved.
The interview should take no more than an hour, depending on how much we talk. And just to get the formalities out of the way I want to tell you that this interview is voluntary and that you can opt-out at any time for any reason. I also want to tell you that everything you say is anonymized; so, if I share some quotes from the interview with my colleagues, they will not know who said them.
Finally, I want to ask if I can record the video and audio from our interview? I’m not going to share the recording with anyone. It’s just that it will help me to focus on what you are saying if I don’t have to take all my notes while we are talking. You have my guarantee that I will delete the recording when I am done taking notes.
Human Questions
Positive experience:
Positive experience:
Negative experience
I think I have asked all the questions I could think of. Do you have anything to add that you feel we have not covered? Then I just want to thank you so much for talking to me. Learning about how to [...] will really help us understand how...
If you think of anything else or you have any questions, you are more than welcome to get in touch. I also want to ask if we can contact you again if we think of other questions or if something is unclear. Is that all right?